Intro to Digital Forensics: Tools & Tactics


Presented by: Robert Imhoff-Dousharm (Hackajar), Ripshy
Date: Thursday July 26, 2012
Time: 11:00 - 11:50
Location: Track 1

Putting up a flag and asking for help on the Internet is not for the faint of heart. When you simply want to get started with information security, hacking or just playing around with the vulnerabilities of computer systems, asking the right question to the right person is a crap shoot. Tired of being on the outside looking in? This 101 talk will help you get your feet wet! It will provide you the basic knowledge required when starting out in the InfoSec scene. Afraid to ask someone what the best NMap toggles are? Can't even get your metasploit running? Having trouble decoding your tcpdumps? We can help! Spend 50 min. with us and jump start the next 50 years of your life!


Ripshy is a long time tinkerer who has been a part of the DEF CON community for the past 10 years, attending his first con at the Jail bait age of 15. He has worked in various roles touching multiple points of the info sec rainbow, and is currently working with Sony PlayStation doing magical things with little more than curiosity and a keyboard. Ripshy is an OG member of the Vegas 2.0 crew, a founding member of GayHackers, and works as a goon in the DEF CON NOC.

Robert Imhoff-Dousharm

Hackajar has been involved in DEF CON in one form or another for over a decade. He's a founding member of Vegas 2.0, a Contest Goon, and the brains behind "The Summit". He currently heads a Silicon Valley Hacker Space and various security shenanigans.

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