The Cerebral Source Code


Presented by: Siviak
Date: Thursday July 26, 2012
Time: 12:00 - 12:50
Location: Track 1

YOU: are part of the problem. You should count yourself among the ranks of the unprepared. You are under-educated and fooling yourself. You are sheep, you just don’t know any better… but ignorance is no excuse. You know that much.

Navigating the world of Social Engineering is often portrayed with the image of “Jedi mind-tricks” and labeled with terms like “The Art of Deception”… These are all just ploys to convey mysticism, sell books and add value to a skill based on common sense, perception and the ability to think further than the end of your own nose.

It’s time to remove the wool and learn what Social Engineering is and how it works. Welcome to a crash course in the oldest CLI…. Bring a helmet.


Siviak: A contributor to DEF CON for 14+ years and a geek for over 30, Siviak is considered by some as a trusted* (*citation needed) authority in the area of Social Engineering, considered by others to be a complete asshole and considered by himself, often. Siviak has talked with, listened to, pontificated at, entertained, debated, challenged, hoodwinked, and exchanged booze with a great number of us over the years. He is one of the originating voices behind the Lackey Program, undisputed ruler of the Scavenger Hunt, winner of more black badges than any other attendee in history and a proud member of 23b.

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