Hacking the hackers: How firm is your foundation?


Presented by: LoST
Date: Thursday July 26, 2012
Time: 16:00 - 16:50
Location: Track 1

Since this is DC101, I've got some things I want to get off my chest- a brief overview of 'foundational' hacker knowledge that I personally believe all hackers should have or would want- from subculture references to numerical oddities, this will be a meat space core dump of an ADD-OCD hacker. (ADD-OCD: I'm constantly changing what I'm completely obsessed about.) Topics will include mathematics, linguistics, programming, hardware, DEF CON, robotics, and more. A veritable cornucopia of fun. Or not.


LoST: With a background in mathematics and robotics LosT spends his free time between calculating how to take over the world and building the robots to accomplish it. Deciding to teach others how to create robot overlords, he created the Hardware Hacking Village for the DEF CON community with Russ in an effort to get more people involved with hardware. Fearing competition LosT devised the Mystery Challenge to confuse and confound those who would rise up against him- eventually becoming the creator of the badges to that same end. Really he just wants to juggle and read books these days, or watch MST3K with Tom.

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