Cryptohaze Cloud Cracking


Presented by: Bitweasil
Date: Saturday July 28, 2012
Time: 12:00 - 12:50
Location: Track 5 / Penn & Teller

Bitweasil goes through the latest developments in the Cryptohaze GPU based password cracking suite. WebTables is a new rainbow table technology that eliminates the need to download rainbow tables before using them, and the new Cryptohaze Multiforcer is an open source, GPLv2, network enabled platform for password cracking that is easy to extend with new algorithms for specific targets. The Cryptohaze Multiforcer supports CUDA, OpenCL, and CPU code (SSE, AVX, etc). All of this is aimed at either the pentester who can't spray hashes to the internet, or the hacker who would rather not broadcast what she obtained to pastebin scrapers..


Bitweasil is the primary developer on the open source Cryptohaze tool suite, which implements network-clustered GPU accelerated password cracking (both brute force & rainbow tables). He has been working with CUDA for over 4 years (since the first public release on an 8800GTX), OpenCL for the past 2 years, and enjoys SSE2 as well. Bitweasil also rescues ferrets. Twitter:@Bitweasil

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