Botnets Die Hard - Owned and Operated


Presented by: Richard J. Enbody, Aditya K. Sood
Date: Saturday July 28, 2012
Time: 12:00 - 12:50
Location: Track 3

Botnet designs are becoming more robust and sophisticated with the passage of time. While the security world is grappling with the security threats posed by Zeus and SpyEye, a new breed of botnets has begun to flourish. Present-day botnets such as smoke, ICE-X, NGR, etc use a mix of pre-existing and newly developed exploitation tactics to disseminate infections. Botnets have been successful in bypassing advanced defense mechanisms developed by the industry . This talk will take you to the journey of the lives of present-day botnets. With a good set of demonstrations, we will dissect the crux of upcoming breed of botnets.

Aditya K. Sood

Aditya K. Sood Aditya K Sood is a senior security practitioner and PhD candidate at Michigan State University. At present he is working for iSECPartners. Prior to that, he has already worked in the security domain for Armorize, COSEINC and KPMG. He is also a founder of SecNiche Security Labs, an independent security research arena for cutting edge computer security research. At SecNiche, he also acts as an independent security consultant for providing services including software security and malware analysis. He has been an active speaker at industry conferences and already spoken at RSA, Virus Bulletin, HackInTheBox, ToorCon, LayerOne, HackerHalted, SANS, Source, EuSecWest, XCON, Troopers, OWASP AppSec USA, TRISC and others. He has published several papers for IEEE Magazines, Virus Bulletin, CrossTalk, Usenix Login, Elsevier Journals, HITB Ezine, Hakin9, ISSA and ISACA. Twitter: @AdityaKSood Blog

Richard J. Enbody

Richard J. Enbody Ph.D., is associate professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Michigan State University (USA) where he joined the faculty in 1987. Enbody has served as acting and associate chair of the department and as director of the computer engineering undergraduate program. His research interests include computer security; computer architecture; web-based distance education; and parallel processing, especially the application of parallel processing to computational science problems. Enbody has two patents pending on hardware buffer-overflow protection that will prevent most computer worms and viruses.

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