Following the Digital Footprints


Presented by: Allen Weiss
Date: Sunday July 29, 2012
Time: 11:00 - 11:50
Location: Skytalks

Al Gore may have invented the Internet, but his carbon footprint awareness campaigns don't pass my smell test. As the average person's daily life involves more and more "on the grid" living, I believe your focus should instead be on your digital footprint. In this talk, we'll examine the meaning of privacy in a digital native's world, and the recent trends and legislation that impact your right and ability to remain anonymous. We will identify the happy medium between Unibomber in an isolated cabin and the always-online tween so that you can make informed decisions about the control of your information (like a boss).

Allen Weiss

Allen Weiss has been working in the security field since 2005. Nowadays, most of his daily job consists of creating reports with graphs and attending meetings all in the attempt of trying to convince the the decision makers that security and privacy are important. He deals with the managers so the engineers don't have to! He has people skills! He's good at dealing with people! Can't you understand that?!?

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