Fun with Software Defined Radios


Presented by: Rick Farina (Zero_Chaos), Jason N00bz, Jason Raj
Date: Sunday July 29, 2012
Time: 09:00 - 09:50
Location: Skytalks

The wireless world is a noisy one. Using software defined radios such as FUNCube and DVB-T dongles, one can listen to all sorts of interesting information from commercial and medical pagers to satellites and planes passing overhead. Anyone can listen, but can you hear? We will show you all the things required and you will be amazed what you are able to hear!

Jason Raj

Raj has been hacking back when 2400 baud was for only the elite. Raj took the motto of BackTrack, "The quieter you are, the more you can hear" and started exploring the wireless world.

Jason N00bz

Jason pays the bills although nobody can figure it out what he actually does. Especially him! No torturing will be used in this talk to obtain passwords. It will still be fun though!

Rick Farina

You can find him as @Zero_ChaosX on the twitterz. He has been identified as a "loud and obnoxious Gentoo evangelist" or just "loud and obnoxious" for short!

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