Black Hat USA 2012

Presented by: Long Le
Date: Wednesday July 25, 2012
Time: 14:15 - 17:00
Location: Pompeian
Track: Applied Workshop II

Exploit development requires a lot of interactive works with debugger, automating time consuming tasks will help speed up that process. People is familiar with GDB (GNU Debugger) on Linux/Unix, unfortunately GDB lacks of commands specific to exploit development. Since version 7.0, GDB added support for Python scripting, this brings opportunities to improve the situation. PEDA - Python Exploit Development Assistance for GDB - is a wrapper for Python GDB that comes as a gdbinit script with many handy commands to ease exploit development tasks. PEDA is the first script in its class with notable features:

PEDA's commands and wrapper API can also be reused to write custom automation scripts easily, hence makes GDB become a powerful exploit development toolkit.

During this hands-on workshop, attendees will learn how to use PEDA interactive commands, write python automation scripts through various exploit exercises, wargame/CTF challenges and real world exploits.

Binging your laptop with an Ubuntu Live to play with and get a special copy of PEDA.

Long Le

Long Le, CISA, is a security manager at one of the largest software outsourcing companies in Vietnam. He has been actively involved in computer security for more than 10 years since he and his friends founded the pioneer Vietnamese security research group VNSECURITY ( Described as neither a researcher nor a hacker, he loves playing wargames and Capture-The-Flag with the CLGT team in his spare time. He was also a speaker at various conferences including BlackHat USA, HackInTheBox, SyScan, PacSec.

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