Social Engineering Defense Contractors on LinkedIN & Facebook: Who’s plugged in to your employees?

DerbyCon 2.0 - The Reunion

Presented by: Jordan Harbinger
Date: Saturday September 29, 2012
Time: 10:00 - 10:50
Location: Track 1
Track: Break Me

Jordan Harbinger

Jordan Harbinger has always had an affinity for Social Influence, Interpersonal Dynamics and Social Engineering, helping private companies test the security of their communications systems and working with law enforcement agencies before he was even old enough to drive. Jordan has spent several years abroad in Europe and the developing world, including South America, Eastern Europe and the Middle East, and speaks several languages. He has also worked for various governments and NGOs overseas, traveled through war-zones and been kidnapped -twice. He’ll tell you; the only reason he’s still alive and kicking is because of his ability to talk his way into (and out of), just about any type of situation. Here at The Art of Charm, Jordan shares that experience, and the system borne as a result, with students and clients.

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