Intro to Linux System Hardening, and Applying it to BackTrack Linux

DerbyCon 2.0 - The Reunion

Presented by: Chris Jenks (rattis)
Date: Sunday September 30, 2012
Time: 13:00 - 13:50
Location: Track 3
Track: Teach Me

This introductory level talk is designed for people that know a little bit about Linux and a how to run Backtrack. The main target audience would have a junior level administration experience, who also knows about Bactrack.

It looks at how to do basic system hardening on CentOS and Ubuntu, using systems with default installs. It then looks at using those same tactics to systems running Backtrack. Along the way, I discuss why I don’t like using virtual machines, multiboot, liveCD or USB to run Bactrack in the field, and why I think it should be ran on a dedicated machine.

Chris Jenks

Experience includes fifteen years of network engineering and thirteen years system administration. He is currently studying Information Assurance at Eastern Michigan University. That degree will supplement his degrees in Computer Information Systems and Anthropology. Certifications include Security+ and Offensive Security’s Wireless Professional. Involved in Michigan’s Locksport scene, and a regular at Arbsec and MiSec. He’s the ”rat” in the Rats and Rouges InfoSec Podcast.

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