I’m Good Enough, I’m Smart Enough and Doggone It, CFP Reviewers and Audiences CAN Love Me!

BSidesROC 2013

Presented by: James Arlen
Date: Saturday April 06, 2013
Time: 10:00 - 10:50
Location: Cathedral hall

Join this highly interactive workshop-style talk during which there will be some instruction and a whole lot of guided visualizations with the aim of getting from Idea to Delivery – CFP Responses to doing the research to building the talk and making the impact you want.

Stop producing presentations that look like crap and fail to get your point across. NOTE: There will be a beta-release of a tool at this talk – not a ‘sploits make me leet’ tool, but a tool that will make you not look like crap as often.

James Arlen

James Arlen, sometimes known as Myrcurial, is a security consultant usually found in tall buildings wearing a suit, founder of the Think|Haus hackerspace, contributing analyst for Securosis, columnist at Liquidmatrix Security Digest, Infosec geek, hacker, social activist, author, speaker, and parent. He’s been at this security game for more than 19 years and loves blinky lights and shiny things.

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