Inside the Black Hole Exploit Kit (BHEK)

SOURCE Boston 2013

Presented by: Chester Wisniewski
Date: Tuesday April 16, 2013
Time: 13:00 - 13:50
Location: Shubert

One of the most successful drive-by attack toolkits available to criminals, Black Hole, is dominating the criminal marketplace. In this talk we will explore how the exploit kit is sold, available options, how attackers are using it to ensnare victims and the speed with which new vulnerabilities are being exploited. Techniques for defending against Black Hole and other exploit kits will be presented along with trends in the underground that may hint at what is coming next.

Chester Wisniewski

As the Senior Security Advisor at Sophos Canada, Chester Wisniewski shares information on the latest IT security threats. Since joining Sophos in 2003, has worked closely with SophosLabs to study threats and provide informational seminars, blogs and other publications to customers and the public on securing their networks and data against evolving threats.

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