Building Wireless Sensor Hardware and Software

ShmooCon V - 2009

Presented by: Burke Cates, Chris Gates
Date: Saturday February 07, 2009
Time: 15:00 - 16:00
Location: Front Room
Track: Build It!

<p>Wireless sensors are constructed from little more than a microcontroller and a radio chip. This lecture will give you as thorough an introduction to building and programming such devices as can be had in an hour.You might also learn a thing or two about reverse engineering them.</p>

Joshua Gourneau

Joshua Gourneau dreams of a belt buckle, but not just any belt buckle. Askhim to tell you about it.</p>

Travis Goodspeed

In 2007, Travis Goodspeed presented the first public example of a stack pointer overflow attack against a wireless sensor. In 2008, he authored a reverse engineering toolkit for MSP430 firmware and a side-channel timing attack against the MSP430 bootloader.

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