Winning isn't Everything: How Trolling can be as much Fun

BSidesDE 2013

Presented by: Joey @l0stkn0wledge
Date: Friday November 08, 2013
Time: 09:00 - 09:50
Location: DAC 312
Track: Track 2

This presentation takes a look at tricks and tactics used during CTF competitions by team 'Apocalypse Kittehs'. Unlike normal presentations that might show you methods to attack or defend, you will see the methods used to troll, distract and complicate things for those attempting to attack or defend your networks during CTF.

Joey @l0stkn0wledge

l0stkn0wledge is the evil scientist alter-ego of Joey Maresca. He has been involved in locksport for the past several years and has hosted several local events on the subject helping teach people the methods involved in opening locks. He currently serves at one of the Directors for Nova Labs in Northern Virginia. When not working his way into locks and plotting his next evil creation, he is working for Tenacity Solutions as a network security expert.

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