Android Hacker Protection Level 0


Presented by: Jon Sawyer, Tim Strazzere
Date: Sunday August 10, 2014
Time: 14:00 - 14:50
Location: DEF CON 101

Obfuscator here, packer there - the Android ecosystem is becoming a bit cramped with different protectors for developers to choose. With such limited resources online about attacking these protectors, what is a new reverse engineer to do? Have no fear, after drinking all the cheap wine two Android hackers have attacked all the protectors currently available for everyones enjoyment! Whether you've never reversed Android before or are a hardened veteran there will be something for you, along with all the glorious PoC tools and plugins for your little heart could ever desire.

Tim Strazzere

Tim "diff" Strazzere is a Lead Research and Response Engineer at Lookout Mobile Security. Along with writing security software, he specializes in reverse engineering and malware analysis. Some interesting past projects include having reversing the Android Market protocol, Dalvik decompilers and memory manipulation on mobile devices. Past speaking engagements have included DEFCON, BlackHat, SyScan, HiTCON and EICAR.

Jon Sawyer

Jon "Justin Case" Sawyer - 31 yr old father of four, and CTO of Applied Cybersecurity LLC. Jon likes to spend his nights with a fine (cheap) glass of wine, writing exploits for the latest Android devices. When not researching vulnerabilities or writing exploits, he dabbles in dalvik obfuscation.

KhanFu - Mobile schedules for INFOSEC conferences.
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