The Making of DEFCOIN


Presented by: Mike Guthrie, Jeff Thomas (Xaphan), Seth van Ommen (Beaker)
Date: Thursday August 07, 2014
Time: 17:00 - 17:50
Location: DEF CON 101

If the Juggalos can do it why can't we? We will discuss what it took to create DEFCOIN, the pitfalls we ran into along the way, how many times we had to reset the block chain before release (oops) and even what a block chain and other funny words like that mean. Come learn the basics of crypto-currencies, what they are, how they work and watch us attempt to show how real money and electricity is converted to fake money and heat. | @defcoin

Jeff Thomas

Xaphan is a "Senior Cyber Security Penetration Testing Specialist" for the US Department of Energy. He has been a penetration tester for 16 years, but maintains his sanity with a variety of distractions. This is his 15th defcon, but the first time he has done ANYTHING that requires effort or commitment while in Las Vegas. Twitter: @slugbait

Seth van Ommen

Beaker is an odd creature even by DEF CON standards. If Hunter S Thompson, Tesla, and a spork had a love child this would approximate the Beaker. He’s spent his working life diddling computers for various organizations from early startups to three letter agencies and is still amazed this produces a paycheck. Beaker is known for mixing interesting chemicals within Beaker which often results in projects of unlikely completion Twitter: @swordofomen

Mike Guthrie

Anch is the lead for the Chickasaw Nation Industries Red Team performing penetration tests, and accreditation's for the public and private sector. Anch has 11 years experience in cyber security. He was the Network Security Architect at a major power administration. At Mentor Graphics he spent time as a network engineer providing enterprise networking, firewall and VPN support for a global network comprising of 72 connected sites worldwide. He has been involved in or lead over 75 penetration tests on over 200 networks. Anch's background related to control systems is unrivaled in the bulk power generation and transmission areas. During this time he developed unique perspectives on the areas of compliance and regulation in the power industry. Twitter: @boneheadsanon

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