Black Hat USA 2014

Presented by: Gabriel Negreira Barbosa, Rodrigo Rubira Branco (BSDaemon)
Date: Wednesday August 06, 2014
Time: 10:15 - 11:15
Location: South Seas E

Malware is widely acknowledged as a growing threat with hundreds of thousands of new samples reported each week. Analysis of these malware samples has to deal with this significant quantity but also with the defensive capabilities built into malware. Malware authors use a range of evasion techniques to harden their creations against accurate analysis. The evasion techniques aim to disrupt attempts of disassembly, debugging or analyze in a virtualized environment.

Two years ago, in 2011, we presented (with other researchers) at Black Hat USA a wide range of anti-reverse engineering techniques that malware were currently employing. For each technique, we documented how it works, we created an algorithm to detect its usage, and we provided statistics on the technique prevalence in a 4 million samples database. We also provided a fully-working PoC implementing each of the techniques (either in C or Assembly). Our expectation was that the AV industry would use our ideas (proven with the prevalence numbers) to significantly improve the malware prevention coverage. Nothing changed. In the meanwhile, we improved our detection algorithms, fixed bugs, and expanded the research to 12+ million samples.

In this talk, we are going to give another try and demonstrate the prevalence of more than 50 non-defensive additional characteristics found in modern malware. Additionally to that, we also extended our previous research demonstrating what the malware does once it detects it is being analyzed. The resulting data will help security companies and researchers around the world to focus their attention on making their tools and processes more efficient to rapidly avoid the malware authors' countermeasures.

This first of its kind, comprehensive catalog of malware characteristics was compiled by the paper's authors by researching some techniques employed by malware, and in the process new detections were proposed and developed. The underlying malware sample database has an open architecture that allows researchers not only to see the results of the analysis, but also to develop and plug-in new analysis capabilities.

Rodrigo Rubira Branco

Rodrigo Rubira Branco (BSDaemon) works as Senior Security Researcher at Intel Corporation and is the Founder of the Dissect || PE Malware Analysis Project. He has held positions as Director of Vulnerability & Malware Research at Qualys and as Chief Security Research at Check Point where he founded the Vulnerability Discovery Team (VDT) and released dozens of vulnerabilities in many important software. In 2011, he was honored as one of the top contributors to Adobe Vulnerabilities in the past 12 months. Previous to that, he worked as Senior Vulnerability Researcher at COSEINC, as Principal Security Researcher at Scanit and as Staff Software Engineer in the IBM Advanced Linux Response Team (ALRT) also working in the IBM Toolchain (Debugging) Team for PowerPC Architecture. He is a member of the RISE Security Group and is the organizer of the Hackers to Hackers Conference (H2HC), the oldest and biggest security research conference in Latin America. He is an active contributor to open-source projects (like ebizzy, linux kernel, others). He has been a speaker at lots of security and open-source related events including H2HC, Black Hat, Hack in The Box, XCon, VNSecurity, OLS, DEF CON, Hackito, Ekoparty, Troopers and others.

Gabriel Negreira Barbosa

Gabriel Negreira Barbosa works as a security researcher at Intel. Previous to that, he worked as a security researcher at the Qualys Vulnerability & Malware Research Labs (VMRL). He received the Msc title by Instituto Tecnolgico de Aeronutica (ITA), where he also worked in security projects for the Brazilian government and Microsoft Brazil.

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