Giving a LUKS. Learning to encrypt your data properly.


Presented by: Pat Litke
Date: Thursday May 14, 2015
Time: 13:00 - 13:25
Location: Track 2

LUKS and strong passwords are staples in many users security tool-kits, and they’re excellent starts for the average security user. But, these simply aren’t adequate when faced with a potentially advanced adversary. Many tools and technologies exist that, when combined properly, can provide a very strong defense against these threats (spoiler alert: your encryption keys should never reside in ram). This talk will be an exploration of disk and file encryption utilities, demonstrations of reasons to lose sleep at night, and an analysis of a myriad of tools and concepts to help the paranoid security freak rest easy.

Pat Litke

Pat Litke is a security researcher with Lookingglass. Litke most recently co-wrote, with Joe Stewart (Dell SecureWorks), the research paper: BGP Hijacking for Cryptocurrency Profit, which they released during the 2014 BlackHat Security Conference. Litke also co-authored with Joe Stewart, the research papers: Cryptocurrency-Stealing Malware Landscape and Enterprise Best Practices for Cryptocurrency Adoption. He co-authored with Network Security Engineer David Shear a research blog focused on the hijack of Synology NAS boxes for Dogecoin mining. While attending Champlain College, Litke was a part of their CCDC (Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition) team.

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