What would fix passwords? Some weekly password audits. Pretty graphs to prove it! (A Haiku)

BSidesLV 2015

Presented by: Dale Corpron, Rick Redman (CrackMeIfYouCan)
Date: Tuesday August 04, 2015
Time: 15:00 - 15:25
Location: Tuscany
Track: Passwords

KoreLogic will demonstrate how one enterprise was able to dramatically minimize their risk posed by password cracking attacks -- from 85% cracked down to only 50% cracked -- through regular password auditing.

Dale Corpron

Dale is a Security Consultant with KoreLogic, where he performs penetration testing and password audits for Fortune 500 companies and developed KoreLogic's Password Recovery Service. An avid password cracker, Dale also helps run the annual "Crack Me If You Can" contest at DEF CON.

Rick Redman

Rick, aka Minga, has over 16 years of experience as a penetration tester, and runs KoreLogic's Password Recovery Service. He also runs the annual "Crack Me If You Can" contest at DEF CON. He has provided numerous contributions to the password-cracking community, and has previously presented at DEF CON, DerbyCon, ShmooCon, PasswordsCon, Bsides, OWASP, ISSA, and ISSW.

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