How to WCTF

BSidesLV 2015

Presented by: Russell Handorf, Russell Handorf (II), Russell Handorf (III)
Date: Tuesday August 04, 2015
Time: 16:00 - 16:55
Location: Copa Showroom (1st floor)
Track: Above the Ground Plane

Ever wanted to compete in the Wireless Capture the Flag but didn't know if you were up to it?  Compete every con and want to up your game?  Come learn the tips and tricks from the designers of the true to life simulated pen-test Wireless Capture the Flag.

Russell Handorf

Russell has been in the information security realm for 15 years. He built and sold a wireless ISP, worked info sec in the financial services industry and now is a public servant of sorts. His hobbies and interests have always involved radio in some sort of fashion. When he has spare time, he is completing his PhD, teaches, create mischief, and is working on his dad jokes. Flowers, red and blue, Russell loves SDR toys. This is a haiku.

Russell Handorf (II)

Russell is the Chief Security Officer for Signals Defense in Owings Mills, MD, and has been a security architect for multiple US Government agencies and corporations. Mr. Handorf specializes in designing and testing wireless networks with non-traditional strategies, using offensive techniques. He has over 17 years of IT and security experience, is a builder and breaker of RF signals, and inventor of the Wireless Capture the Flag ( Breaking and entering through RF is his speciality, and his last name is Handorf.

Russell Handorf (III)

After an unsuccessful adult film career under the pseudonym "Chubby Cox", Russell has settled comfortably into his backup career of Wireless Security. Specializing in Wifi security, he has also branched out into bluetooth, radio, and sdr. Currently, he is working on the best Linux distro to ever grace the face of the earth, Pentoo. This bio is entirely unbiased.

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