Advancing Internet Security Research with Big Data and Graph Databases

BSidesLV 2015

Presented by: Andrew Hess
Date: Wednesday August 05, 2015
Time: 12:00 - 12:25
Location: Florentine F
Track: Ground Truth

The OpenDNS IntelDB is a graph database system that captures and stores all security-related data for the entire organization. In addition to providing valuable data such as whitelisting and threat attribution, this system is the foundation for the next generation of security research at OpenDNS. The presentation will give a brief overview of the system and then focus on how it has influenced security research at OpenDNS.

Andrew Hess

Andrew Hess is a software engineer on the Research Systems team at OpenDNS where he works to quantify the company's security intelligence and provide tools to make researchers as effective as possible. Andrew graduated from Washington University with majors in Systems Engineering and Electrical Engineer.

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