Battle of the SKM and IUM: How Windows 10 Rewrites OS Architecture

Black Hat USA 2015

Presented by: Alex Ionescu
Date: Thursday August 06, 2015
Time: 09:45 - 10:35
Location: Jasmine Ballroom

In Windows 10, Microsoft is introducing a radical new concept to the underlying OS architecture, and likely the biggest change to the NT design since the decision to move the GUI in kernel-mode.

In this new model, the Viridian Hypervisor Kernel now becomes a core part of the operating system and implements Virtual Secure Machines (VSMs) by loading a true microkernel - a compact (200kb) NT look-alike with its own drivers called the Secure Kernel Mode (SKM) environment, which then uses the Hypervisor to hook and intercept execution of the true NT kernel. This creates a new paradigm where the NT Kernel, executing in Ring 0, now runs below the Secure Kernel, at Ring ~0 (called Virtual Trust Level 1).But it doesn't stop there - as the Ring 0 NT kernel now has the ability to not only create standard Ring 3 user-mode applications, but also Ring ~3 applications (or Virtual Trust Level 0) that run in Isolated User Mode (IUM). Because VTLs are all more privileged than Ring 0, this now creates a model where a user-mode application running inside a VSM now has data and rights that even the kernel itself cannot modify. Why go through all this trouble? Because it seems like the hottest thing these days is Pass-the-Hash, and attacks must seemingly be mitigated at all costs. And even in Windows 8.1, an attacker with the permissions to load a kernel driver can bypass the existing mitigations (and Mimikatz is signed!). With VTLs, now even the most privileged attacker is only as privileged as the hypervisor will allow it - never able to truly read the hash date that is stored in the secure partition.How "secure" is this new model really? And what prevents a malicious application from running in such a secure mode to begin with?

Alex Ionescu

Alex Ionescu is the founder of Winsider Seminars & Solutions Inc., specializing in low-level system software for administrators and developers as well as reverse engineering and security training for various organizations. He was a coauthor of the Windows Internals series for the last two editions. From 2003-2007, Alex was the lead kernel developer for ReactOS, an open source clone of Windows XP/Server 2003 written from scratch, for which he wrote most of the Windows NTbased kernel. During his studies in Computer Science, Alex worked at Apple on the iOS kernel, boot loader, firmware, and drivers on the original core platform team behind the iPhone, iPad, and AppleTV. Returning to his Windows security roots, Alex is now Chief Architect at CrowdStrike, a security start-up focused on nation-state adversaries and other highly sophisticated actors. Alex continues to be very active in the security research community, discovering and reporting several vulnerabilities related to the Windows kernel and presenting talks at conferences such as Black Hat, SyScan, and Recon. His work has frequently led to the discovery of a kernel vulnerabilities and design flaws, as well as to dozens of non-security bugs.

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