Remote Exploitation of an Unaltered Passenger Vehicle

Black Hat USA 2015

Presented by: Charlie Miller, Christopher Valasek
Date: Wednesday August 05, 2015
Time: 15:00 - 15:50
Location: Mandalay Bay EF

Although the hacking of automobiles is a topic often discussed, details regarding successful attacks, if ever made public, are non-comprehensive at best. The ambiguous nature of automotive security leads to narratives that are polar opposites: either we're all going to die or our cars are perfectly safe. In this talk, we will show the reality of car hacking by demonstrating exactly how a remote attack works against an unaltered, factory vehicle. Starting with remote exploitation, we will show how to pivot through different pieces of the vehicle's hardware in order to be able to send messages on the CAN bus to critical electronic control units. We will conclude by showing several CAN messages that affect physical systems of the vehicle. By chaining these elements together, we will demonstrate the reality and limitations of remote car attacks.

Charlie Miller

Charlie Miller is a security engineer at Twitter, a hacker, and a gentleman. Back when he still had time to research, he was the first with a public remote exploit for both the iPhone and the G1 Android phone. He is a four-time winner of the CanSecWest Pwn2Own competition. He has authored three information security books and holds a PhD from the University of Notre Dame. He has hacked browsers, phones, cars, and batteries. Charlie spends his free time trying to get back together with Apple, but sadly they still list their relationship status as 'it's complicated'.

Christopher Valasek

Chris Valasek, Director of Vehicle Security Research at IOActive, oversees IOActive's Vehicle Security Practice while continuing to push the boundaries of vehicle security research. Valasek was one of the first researchers to publicly discuss automotive security issues in detail. He released code, data, and tools that allowed vehicles to be physically controlled through the vehicle's CAN bus. Valasek specializes in offensive research methodologies with a focus on reverse engineering and exploitation. He is also the Chairman of SummerCon, the United States' longest standing hacker conference.

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