Cyber Intent: Cybersecurity

BSidesDC 2015

Presented by: Joe Klein, GS McNamara
Date: Sunday October 18, 2015
Time: 13:30 - 14:20
Location: Salon A
Track: Red Team

The current status of cyber security lacks any judge of visitor intent. We are throwing out valuable intelligence available in the earliest stages of the cyber kill chain, instead choosing to react haphazardly in the later, more expensive stages. We fail to identify the digital bank robbers before they enter and create an expensive, drawn out, and potentially fatal hostage situation. If we were looking out, we could have just locked the door.

Joe Klein

Joe Klein is a 30-year veteran of the IT and IA industry. He has extensive experience in DoD, US Government and commercial sectors, focusing on information assurance, network security, IoT security and IPv6. Mr. Klein is often requested to speak at professional security venues and routinely participates in high-level government working groups as an expert on secure implementation of IPv6. Over the last 15 years, his involvement in IPv6 has included: * Contributing to dozens of security policies, practices, guidance documents, and security standards published by NIST, DoD, US Government, and the IPv6 Task Force among others. * Development of IPv6 training classes and labs for focus on administrators, security professionals, security operations centers, developers, security architects and penetration testers. * Identifying dozens of vulnerabilities in multiple products, and assisting to quietly mitigate IPv6 "problems". * Performing security and vulnerability testing of major IA products including firewalls, IDS/IPS/DPI, assessment tools, scanners, forensics tools and home firewall/routers. * Security researcher for the Air Force's IPv6 focused IDS/IPS. * Developer of the first IPv6 focused "cyber threat intelligence" feeds and the largest IPv6 focused Honeynet containing 1.2 billion, billion IPv6 honeypots.

GS McNamara

With a master's degree specializing in Intelligence Technologies and a bachelor's in Information Security, GS focuses his work on the three areas of Information: Exploitation, Protection, and Monetization. With practical business experience and a homegrown technical background, he can translate concepts for multiple audiences and understand the partnerships needed to achieve a mission. He has spoken domestically and abroad, and has worked in environments as fast as startups, as small as a sole proprietorship, and as challenging as DARPA.

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