Internet of Things Village

BSidesDC 2015

Presented by:
Date: Saturday October 17, 2015
Time: 10:00 - 18:00
Location: London I
Track: IoT Village

Organized by security consulting and research firm Independent Security Evaluators (ISE), The IoT Villageâ„¢ delivers thought leadership advocating for security advancements in Internet of Things (IoT) devices. The village will consist of workshops on hacking numerous off-the-shelf devices (e.g. medical devices, home appliances, routers, and storage devices), live educational demos and SOHOpelessly Broken.

SOHOpelessly Broken, presented by Independent Security Evaluators (ISE), is back at BSides DC for our second year! We have expanded the contest to not only include SOHO routers, but other types of IoT devices such as network storage systems, cameras, and IP enabled toys!

Track 1: This is an at-con capture the flag style contest where contestants will be pitted against 15+ off-the-shelf IoT devices, hardened, but with known vulnerabilities. Contestants must identify weaknesses and exploit these devices to gain control. Pop as many as you can over the weekend to win.

Track 2: This is a surprise contest that will take place at random times throughout the conference.

Hack Shop: Open area for people to collaborate and hack IoT devices.

Call for X: The Call for X is an area in the IoT Village where people can give workshops, tutorials, demos, q&a, panels, or games relative to the Internet of Things. If you have something you would like share, please submit your proposal by 10/9!

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