The Rise of Mobile Malware

BSidesChicago 2016

Presented by: Jason Davison
Date: Saturday May 07, 2016
Time: 16:15 - 16:55
Location: Main Track

The mobile platform is growing in popularity and these devices are taking over some of the functionality that desktop and laptop computers have traditionally performed in the past. Nowadays, it is easier to use an application to access your bank account information than it is to sit down and login via a more traditional laptop or desktop. It should not be surprising to anyone that as a particular platform becomes more popular, it becomes a higher value target to threat actors. Sitting on the cusp of a mobile revolution means that threat actors will begin to use more complex attacks to attempt to hijack mobile platforms. We will review some of the source code related to various malware families along with the functionality that each family posses. Time permitting we will walk through an in depth analysis of a simple neutered android trojan.

Jason Davison

I am 23 years old and work as a threat analyst at PhishLabs where I analyze various malware samples in my day to day job. I spoke last year at Bsides Charleston (2015) on IoT Security. I graduated from SUNY Fredonia in 2015 in Computer Science and Chemistry.

KhanFu - Mobile schedules for INFOSEC conferences.
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