Nightmares of a Pentester

SOURCE Boston 2016

Presented by: Chris Nickerson
Date: Wednesday May 18, 2016
Time: 16:30 - 17:15
Location: Ballroom
Track: Keynotes and Con

Having been a Penetration Tester for the last 15+ years I have seen many environments and technologies. I have had the pleasure / hell of testing systems I’ve never even heard of and the agony of defeat on a major scale. Instead of just going over the what we used to work our way in, I want to go over the tricks the BLUE team used to keep us out! We will go over the technologies and techniques that have turned our traditional paths to root from minutes to months and the tricks that got us “caught” along the way. Not all pentests are a dream and the nightmares CAN / DO happen. So, let’s talk about how YOUR environment can become an attackers worst nightmare instead of their favorite playground

Chris Nickerson

Chris Nickerson,CEO of LARES, is just another “Security guy” with a whole bunch of certs whose main area of expertise is focused on Real world Attack Modeling, Red Team Testing and InfoSec Testing. At Lares, Chris leads a team of security professional who conduct Risk Assessments, Penetration testing, Application Testing, Social Engineering, Red Team Testing and Full Adversarial Attack Modeling. Prior to starting Lares, Chris was Dir. of Security Services at Alternative Technology, a Sr. IT compliance at KPMG, Sr. Security Architect and Compliance Manager at Sprint Corporate Security. Chris is a member of many security groups and was also a featured member of TruTV’s Tiger Team. Chris is the cohost of the Exotic liability Podcast, the author of the upcoming “RED TEAM TESTING” book published by Elsevier/Syngress and a founding member of BSIDES Conference.

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