Insider Threats: Evil Employees and the Nation-states and Competitors who Love Them

SOURCE Boston 2016

Presented by: Brian Contos
Date: Wednesday May 18, 2016
Time: 13:30 - 14:10
Location: Washington
Track: Application Security

Threat actors abound; from cyber criminals and hacktivists to nation-states and malicious insiders many organizations are finding themselves at a crisis point. Perhaps the most technically and politically challenging of all these threats to mitigate are insiders. When the enemy is already inside, or masquerading as a legitimate insider, most security controls offer little to no value. The “bad guys” are getting the upper hand and for every insider discovered many more are going unnoticed.

Cybersecurity experts all agree, that in most cases, the data necessary to mitigate insider threats is already being captured by the agency. What agencies are lacking is the ability exploit the vast lakes of data to more efficiently and effectively predict, prevent, detect and respond to malicious insiders.

Attendees will gain insight into how insiders operate and their motivations through multiple real-world use cases. They will also be exposed to various technical and non-technical insider mitigation techniques related to:

Brian Contos

Brian is a seasoned executive, security company entrepreneur, author and blogger. At Securonix he is responsible for security strategy worldwide. After getting his start in security with the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) and later Bell Labs, Brian began the process of building security startups and taking multiple companies through successful IPOs and acquisitions including: Riptech, ArcSight, Imperva, McAfee and Solera Networks. Brian has worked in over 50 countries across six continents. He has authored several security books, spoken at leading security events, is a Distinguished Fellow with the Ponemon Institute and the Institute for Critical Infrastructure Technology. He is also a blogger for CSO Magazine. Brian frequently appears in media outlets like CNBC, NPR, Fox and Forbes.

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