Eavesdropping on the Machines


Presented by: Tim Estell (t0rch), Katea Murray
Date: Friday August 05, 2016
Time: 15:00 - 15:50
Location: DEF CON 101

After the Rise of the Machines they'll need to communicate. And we'll need to listen in. The problem is that proprietary protocols are hard to break. If Wireshark barfs then we're done. Or can we listen in, break their Robot Overlord messages and spill it all to the meat-space rebels? Attend this talk to learn techniques for taking network data, identifying unknown protocols, and breaking them down to something you can exploit. Rebels unite!

Tim Estell

Tim Estell, a hacker since learning how to mod a TRS-80 game in the ‘80s. Since then he’s reversed protocols, leveraged hardware, and managed teams for many concepts of operation. He remains convinced machines will never exceed meat space innovation and so welcomes our new Robot Overlords, if only because their cause is lost. Rebels unite!

Katea Murray

Katea Murray, a programmer who turned to hacking in the early 00’s, she’s reversed and co-opted many tools and toys consumer’s touch, from old-school boat anchors to the latest mobile devices. Along the way she’s pulled recruits to the rebel cause through internships, outreach, and high energy. When she’s not watching sports she’s hacking as a sport. Game on!

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