How to Find 1,352 WordPress XSS Plugin Vulnerabilities in 1 Hour (not really)


Presented by: Larry W. Cashdollar
Date: Saturday August 06, 2016
Time: 11:10 - 12:00
Location: Packet Hacking Village

I'll discuss my methodology in attempting to download all 50,000 WordPress plugins, automated vulnerability discovery, automated proof of concept creation and automated proof of concept verification. I'll go into where I went wrong, what I'd change and where I succeeded.

Larry W. Cashdollar

Larry W. Cashdollar (Twitter: @_larry0) has been working in the security field and finding vulnerabilities for over 15 years. With over 100 CVEs to his name, he is a known researcher in the field. You can see many of the disclosed vulnerabilities at He is a member of the SIRT at Akamai Technologies.

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