Future Grind


Presented by: Ryan O'Shea
Date: Friday August 05, 2016
Time: 10:00 - 10:25
Location: BioHacking Vilage

Biohacking is moving from niche science fiction to popular culture, the human body is now a part of the Internet of Things, and finger magnet and RFID implants are gaining traction. But this is just the beginning. Futurist podcast host and Grindhouse Wetware spokesman Ryan O'Shea lays out the potential future of human augmentation and explains how this type of directed evolution is really just an extension of what humans have already been doing for generations.

Ryan O'Shea

Ryan O’Shea is a futurist, biohacker, and television personality based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He is the creator and host of the acclaimed futurism, science, and technology themed podcast Future Grind and currently serves as the spokesman and advisor of Grindhouse Wetware, a biotechnology startup company that creates technology to augment human capabilities. He's worked as a producer and consultant on numerous film and television projects related to biohacking and currently represents the Jet Propulsion Laboratory as a Solar System Ambassador, a program operated by the California Institute of Technology for NASA.

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