Biosafety for the Home Enthusiast


Presented by: Mr_Br!ml3y
Date: Friday August 05, 2016
Time: 11:00 - 11:25
Location: BioHacking Vilage

Biosafety levels (1 through 4) have been established to provide standardized safety protocols for biological research in professional settings, to protect researchers and the general public. While the new biohacker might only need a reduce set of lab safety standards (here called biosafety level 0), any bio-researcher needs an awareness of biosafety levels as they develop into commercial (level 1) or medical (level 2) research. Biosafety levels 3 and 4 will be discussed for completeness and to impress on the home researcher the difficulty in safely working with virulent pathogens.


Mr_Br!ml3y grew up farming and liked it so much he went into information technology at the first opportunity. He has 6 years full-time infosec experience and strong side interests in biology and chemistry. He is currently working on a PhD in environmental engineering.

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