Defense Against the Dark Arts: Examining, Fixing and Fighting for our Cyber Defenses

SecTor 2016

Presented by: Edward Snowden
Date: Tuesday October 18, 2016
Time: 09:00 - 10:00
Location: Keynote Hall
Track: Keynote

We live in an age where spies have weakened our security in the wake of 9/11, while hackers and digital security breaches ensure compromised data is made instantly available to billions of eyes. So what should we know, and what can we do to protect ourselves and our interests, and how can we defend our liberty and security against future attacks?

Speaking frankly from his own experiences while cutting to the heart of the cyber security dilemma, in this presentation former NSA employee and whistleblower Edward Snowden will expose and evaluate the weaknesses in our system so we can fortify our personal and business data, and reveal how we can repair communication platforms and our laws so we are able to defend in the challenging years to come.


Edward Snowden

Edward Snowden is a former intelligence officer who served the CIA, NSA, and DIA for nearly a decade as a subject matter expert on technology and cybersecurity. In 2013, he revealed that the NSA was seizing the private records of billions of individuals who had not been suspected of any wrongdoing, resulting in the most significant reforms to US surveillance policy since 1978. He has received awards for courage, integrity, and public service, and was named the top global thinker of 2013 by Foreign Policy magazine. Today, he works on methods of enforcing human rights through the application and development of new technologies. He joined the board of Freedom of the Press Foundation in February 2014.

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