Users and Cloud Collide: Understanding Threat Vectors in the Enterprise Cloud Environment

BSidesDC 2016

Presented by: Ron Zalkind
Date: Sunday October 23, 2016
Time: 14:30 - 15:20
Location: Grand Central
Track: Track 2

From infinite computing power and ease of scalability to real time availability, the cloud enables organizations to move faster than they ever have at any other point in history. But with great technological advancements comes new methods by which hackers can exploit users or compromise the underlying system. With enterprise cloud adoption accelerating at an exponential pace, the traditional concept of a self-contained network with a defined perimeter is no longer valid. Users are now the perimeter, taking advantage of self-provisioning capabilities enabled by BYOx and cloud phenomena. This transformation is compounded by users augmenting core SaaS applications by self-selecting third-party apps, as well as the applications organizations build for themselves in the cloud.

For example, and in the spirit of being in the DC area, home to the U.S. Federal government and many related agencies, 80% public exposures in cloud environments are caused by just 1% of users in the average governmental organization.

Given the concept of a perimeter dissolving away, what does the cloud threat surface look like and what does it take to detect a cloud breach? This interactive session explores the cyber kill chain in the cloud and how new threat vectors emerge in cloud environments. Cybersecurity expert, CTO and co-founder at CloudLock, and head of the CloudLock CyberLab research intelligence arm, Ron Zalkind will walk through the inner workings of a cloud breach. He'll explore four primary cloud threat vectors, present detailed cyber stats gleaned from research conducted by the CyberLab, and provide concrete steps organizations can do today to reinforce their cloud security posture.

Ron Zalkind

As CTO Ron is responsible for CloudLock's overall technology and continuous innovation. Prior to founding CloudLock, Ron was Director of Product Management at Interwise (acquired by AT&T), and held varied Engineering Management positions in Private and Military sectors including the Israeli Air Force Software Development unit, where he worked on the development of mission critical intelligence systems. Ron has over 20 years of experience building complex software systems and product platforms.

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