WCTF Magic as told by a clumsy Magician

BSidesDC 2016

Presented by: Timothy Allmon
Date: Saturday October 22, 2016
Time: 10:30 - 11:20
Location: Grand South
Track: Track 1

I will do an in depth view of the competition from the perspective of the -Overview of the CTF -The whos who in the zoo -The setup -Types and styles of challenges -WiFi -The different variations of encryption -Bluetooth -Speakers -Mice or keyboards -Xbee -ICS -SDR -Signal Drinking game -SSTV -Pager traffic -Chromecast -Take it over and play music. Special requests get more points -Hide and Seek (wifi/SDR) -Hidden anywhere within legal boundaries of conference -Fox and Hound (wifi/SDR) -A person knows they are being hunted. The device is small -Gear do's and dont's -Computers -USB bus -WiFi cards -Antennas -Discuss methodology of the CTF -Site survey -Discovery -Plan -Setup -Attack -Offense and defense in play (stories and tactics to provide) -You can attack other players or the game infrastructure -How do you know another team is on the attack -Solo and Team Strategy -Random Smattering of stories from -SchmooCon party shenanigans -Crawling on all fours tearing apart registration tables at Bsides Charm -Covert spy v spy fox hunting sneaking in and out of talks and hunting the prey -Asking people if they are foxy (wifi fox) while wearing a shirt that says bearded for her pleasure -Making it rain on ZeroChaos with Swedish Fish

Timothy Allmon

A 15 year IT goon with the last 6 years focused on INFOSEC. Primarily an ISSE/ISSO for various Companies doing Systems Security and Compliance. Wireless Security has become his primary focus while not being his primary job. He has participated in WCTF at multiple conferences for the past four years. As a team and individually he has won the WCTF at four conferences. After sneaking out of his first WCTF hoping no one saw he was there after showing up unprepared and completely failing to a guy crazy about getting more flags he has plenty to share with anyone willing to learn. With a great interest in emerging wireless capabilities such as the Internet of Things his hopes are to take over your fridge and pour ice all over your kitchen floor. Does anyone really read these things? Maybe not. Hail Hydra

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