Why the NTP Security Problem Is Worse than You Think

BSidesNOVA 2017

Presented by: Allan Liska
Date: Saturday February 25, 2017
Time: 14:00 - 14:30
Location: Cafeteria
Track: Track 2

NTP DDoS attacks have been a steady source of pain for network defenders the last few years and are just now showing signs of letting up. Unfortunately, NTP threats are not going away. An analysis of NTP traffic and the NTP protocol shows why the future of NTP security is grim and how organizations can protect themselves from this threat.

Allan Liska

Allan Liska is an intelligence architect at Recorded Future. Allan has more than 15 years’ experience in the world of security and has worked as both a security practitioner and an ethical hacker. Through his work at Symantec, iSIGHT Partners, FireEye, and Recorded Future, Allan has helped countless organizations improve their security posture using more effective intelligence. He is the author of The Practice of Network Security, Building an Intelligence-Led Security Program, and Securing NTP: A Quick-Start Guide. He is also the coauthor of DNS Security: Defending the Domain Name System and Ransomware: Defending Against Digital Extortion.

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