I'm Cuckoo for Malware: Cuckoo Sandbox and Dynamic Malware Analysis

BSidesNOVA 2017

Presented by: Lane Huff
Date: Saturday February 25, 2017
Time: 15:00 - 16:00
Location: Classroom A/B
Track: Track 3

I'm Cuckoo for Malware provides an introductory overview to Cuckoo Sandbox and Malware Analysis. This talk walks through discussing different types of malware and what they do, to explaining how Cuckoo Sandbox works and how to get the best results from it. The talk will cover how to harden your sandbox against Malware authors attempts to avoid analysis and give ideas for listeners wanting to set up custom environments of their own. The goal of the talk is to allow listeners with enough information so that they can begin analyzing malware in their own Cuckoo-based sandbox environment.

Lane Huff

Lane Huff is a security engineer who has been in the field since 2007 and has worked for companies ranging from small 5-person startups to large defense contractors. He is currently a Sr. Security Engineer for Secure Innovations, a cybersecurity defense contractor in Columbia, Maryland. He also is a blogger and one of the podcast hosts for the Primal Security Podcast. He got his start doing ROM hacking and translation work in the video game community in the late 90’s and early 2000’s. Currently, Lane’s focus is on application security and malware analysis but has experience in Python and bash scripting, incident response, penetration testing, and security compliance auditing.

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