Building Blocks Essentials: The How-To’s and Why’s of SOC Security Analysis

BSidesNOVA 2017

Presented by: Kerry Hazelton
Date: Saturday February 25, 2017
Time: 08:30 - 11:15
Location: Briefing Room
Track: Workshop Track

There’s a lot of good information on how to get started in the field of security analysis; but for someone just starting out or is looking to make the transition into the industry, getting his or her feet wet can be rather unnerving (if not downright overwhelming) if they don’t quite fully understand where to begin, how to use the tools in an efficient manner, how to tear apart a packet capture file or comb through an OS image, or why it’s important to adhere to the various industry standards and federal policies. This three-hour training workshop will teach newcomers to the field the essentials of security analysis, and will challenge students to truly think “outside of the box”, to be creative and develop innovative solutions when handling a security incident.

Kerry Hazelton


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