Insecure Obsolete and Trivial: The Real IOT

BSidesROC 2017

Presented by: Justin Berry, Price McDonald
Date: Saturday April 22, 2017
Time: 15:00 - 15:50
Location: Track 2

Over the last few years Hardware Hacking has become a much more prevalent testing and attack avenue. This talk is meant to give a basic understanding of Hardware Hacking techniques, tips and tricks. In addition to real world examples and demos.

Price McDonald

Price McDonald is a Director with Coalfire Labs and is responsible for managing a team of Penetration Testers in addition to conducting penetration tests against his clients networks, software and hardware. After hours and on the weekends Price enjoys breaking hardware, cars, and competitive shooting.

Justin Berry

By day, Justin Berry works as a senior security consultant at Coalfire Labs where he does things and other stuff, but by night, he’s been referred to as a metal-head drinker with a hacking problem. While not undermining “secure” corporate networks and applications, Justin enjoys a nice, relaxing game of 8-ball, long walks on the beach, etc. Managers hate him because he rarely shows up on time and still slays it. This is what it’s like when worlds collide.

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