Systematic Network Security Troubleshooting (pcaps or gtfo)

BSidesROC 2017

Presented by: Jason Woodson
Date: Saturday April 22, 2017
Time: 09:00 - 09:20
Location: Track 3

Network security can involve a variety of complex technologies and disciplines, often managed by separate teams and third parties. Client-server traffic can be impacted at many points along the path, and it’s not always obvious where to troubleshoot when there are problems. Taking shots in the dark or jumping to conclusions wastes time and resources. This talk presents a systematic approach to network security troubleshooting, working through the stack in a deliberate fashion, to narrow down root causes quickly and accurately.

Jason Woodson

Jason Woodson is a network security engineer currently with NTT Security, with 14 years in the industry. Having spent the last decade in the MSSP space, he has faced unique network security challenges with enterprises around the world. He lives in Irondequoit.

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