Trends in malware distribution

BSides SATX 2017

Presented by: Brad Duncan
Date: Saturday May 20, 2017
Time: 10:00 - 11:00
Location: Richter 209
Track: Track 2

I: Ransomware a. Definition b. Why ransomware? c. Ransomware examples II. Malware distribution through email a. Malicious spam (malspam) is the most common distribution method b. What these emails consist of (types of attachments, links, etc.) III. Malware distribution through social media a. Skype example b. A targeted example IV. Malware distribution through web browsing a. Popup browser windows b. Exploit Kits c. The declining importance of exploit kits V. Malware versus the Internet of Things (IoT) a. Ransomware for IoT devices b. IoT botnets VI. Data breaches a. Majority of data breaches involve weak, default, or stolen passwords b. Top 3 methods used in data breaches c. Web app attacks resulted in most data breaches

Brad Duncan

After 21 years of classified intelligence work for the US Air Force, Brad transitioned to cyber security in 2010, and he is a currently a Threat Intelligence Analyst for Palo Alto Networks Unit 42. Brad specializes in network traffic analysis and exploit kit detection. He is also a handler for the Internet Storm Center (ISC) and has posted more than 80 diaries at Brad routinely blogs technical details and analysis of infection traffic at

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