Kicking Cuckoo Out Of the Nest

BSides SATX 2017

Presented by: Fr3d
Date: Saturday May 20, 2017
Time: 15:00 - 16:00
Location: Richter 209
Track: Track 2

Removing the limitations of nested virtualization for cuckoo sandbox. Sandboxes are used for malware analysis, and Cuckoo is a free tool. One of the limitations of using Cuckoo is that people want to run in a Virtual Machine, while Cuckoo itself needs to its detonation chambers inside of its own VM. Think of it as nested dolls. I'll talk about related tools and techniques.


Fr3d is considered by many as; Born before the PC, Internet & Colour TV. He is an original Hacker / Phreaker from the ancient past, but this dawg still can still bark. You can find him helping in the background at many hacker events.

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