“This is how I talk” – Why soft skills are no longer an option

BSides SATX 2017

Presented by: Chip Meadows
Date: Saturday May 20, 2017
Time: 10:00 - 10:30
Location: Classroom 4
Track: Track 4

In the past, our technical skills differentiated the experienced techies from the more junior staff. Now HR and most hiring managers do not know what they want, and most cannot eloquently express what you can do. Come join Chip as he discusses soft skills, what they are, why they are needed, and how to become proficient with them.

Chip Meadows

Chip Meadows currently works in the Office of Information Security as a Senior Security Analyst at the University of Texas at San Antonio. Chip has over 27 years in the IT Security, IT audit and compliance, and general IT spaces. Chip has served in several industry verticals including academia, financial services, military, retail, medical, energy and others. Chip has been named a Distinguished Fellow by the ISSA. Chip is heavily involved with the San Antonio InfoSec community and is a member of many organizations including ISSA, ISACA, InfraGard and OWASP.

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