Are we ready for Open Source Healthcare and medical devices?

Hackaday Superconference 2017

Presented by: Ashwin K Whitchurch
Date: Sunday November 12, 2017
Time: 10:00 - 10:40
Location: DesignLab
Track: Talk

Open source hardware is changing the way medical devices are being developed. Cost and IP hurdles have always been the major barriers of entry to medical device innovation. With OSHW, a new revolution is taking place, enabling new medical products and technologies. The talk will focus on how open source technology and specifically open source hardware is shaping medical device innovation in ways deemed impossible, drawing from our own experiences working on medical devices of all varieties.

Ashwin K Whitchurch

I am a hacker at heart. Since the beginning of my research in college, I have realised how medical devices can benefit from open source and continued that passion. We currently building open source medical devices at ProtoCentral, a small company based in India. I have an M.Sc.[Software Engineering] from Bharathiar University, India and an M.S.[Microelectronic-Photonics] from University of Arkansas. My research while at Penn State and Arkansas have included nanotech, biotech and medical devices

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