Building a GoodWatch

ShmooCon XIV - 2018

Presented by: Travis Goodspeed
Date: Saturday January 20, 2018
Time: 12:00 - 12:50
Location: Near Room
Track: Build It

Back in the good ol’ days there was a toy called the GirlTech IMME, which had a sub-GHz radio chip, a display, and a keypad. It was bulky and heavy, but good folks had a lot of run writing radio exploits for it. In a fit of nostalgia for those days, I cloned the Casio 3208 calculator wristwatch module with the CC430F6137 chip, giving me a better CPU than the IMME but essentially the same radio. It runs for years on a coin cell battery, and in addition to the radio, RPN calculator, and hex editor, it just happens to tell the time.

Travis Goodspeed

Travis Goodspeed (@travisgoodspeed) is a reverse engineering, watchmaker and professional bum. His projects include the MD380Tools project of patched firmware for a ham radio, the International Journal of PoC||GTFO, and a non-fictional comedy novel about the 509th Airborne in WW2.

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