A Compendium of Container Escapes

Containers are a hot topic because of the simplicity they bring to the process of software development, shipping, and deployment. They are insanely useful for eliminating environmental constraints such as library version conflicts, and for the overall organization and hygiene of software. Containers also provide some security properties, including version management, an expression of intent, and often reduced attack surface. However, it is important to understand that although the organizational isolation of containers is what enables these security properties, isolation itself is not a security property of containers.

As such, it becomes important to understand the security properties of containers, how they have been escaped in the past, and how they are likely to be escaped in the future. This year kicked off with a container escape vulnerability in runc, used by various container engines, which seemed to come as a shock for many users of containers.

The goal of this talk is to broaden the awareness of the how and why container escapes work, starting from a brief intro to what makes a process a container, and then spanning the gamut of escape techniques, covering exposed orchestrators, access to the Docker socket, exposed mount points, /proc, all the way down to overwriting/exploiting the kernel structures to leave the confines of the container.

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