Panel: Internet Wars

Continuing our tradition from previous years, leading experts from different industries, academia and law enforcement will be on stage participating in this panel to discuss the current threats online, hazards inside the Internet, battles between low level cyber criminals all the way to the mafia, special agents, spies, and even information warfare between nation-states.

This panel begins with a short introductory presentation on the latest technologies and operations by the Bad Guys and the Good Guys. We will talk about what's going on with Internet operations, global routing, botnets, extortion, phishing and the annual revenue the mafia is getting from it. Then we'll move into question and answers from the audience. Panelists will accept questions on any subject related to the concept of Internet warfare, crime, and espionage, and will discuss it openly in regard to what's being done and what we can expect in the future, both from the Bad Guys and the Good Guys.

Discussion will focus on operational issues currently happening on the Internet, not on vulnerabilities or the latest leet hack you might have heard about. The discussion is mostly technical and operational in nature, but in previous years attendees have asked questions directing the discussion to the legal side of things. Participants are people who are involved with battling cyber crime daily, and many are leaders in the security operations community of the Internet.

Audience members bearing six-packs of beer for the panelists will advance to the front of the line.

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