Halfway down main hall, past Chillout room
Liberator: 3-D printing a plastic gun
Bringing Intelligence back to the hacker community
Swiping Cards At The Source: POS & Cash Machine Security
Hacked Up
The art of the Rig - Building a pen-test rig that isn't worthless
The Glitch: Bringing Hacking Hardware to the Masses
Hacking Interfaces with your Mind
Project CANCER: Bringing VX Back
Digital Warfare, InfoSec Research, and The 2nd Amendment
Discovering Dark Matter: Towards better Android Malware Heuristics -- Skytalk edition
Cycling and Hacking to Defcon
All Your Base Still Belong To Us: Physical Penetration Testing Tales From The Trenches
#FreeCrypt0s: Using SDR to prevent him from getting rooted!
Hacking the Brew
Oldtimers v. N00bz 2.0
Occam's Katana: defeating big data analytics
Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Alternative Cryptocurrencies - Pros, Cons, and Threats
Strange interactions in personal data: Brokers and the CFAA
The Continued Rise of Idiocracy: CCSS, PBI and other education acronyms that nobody understands
Network Survival WCS
Owning Management with Standards
Challenges being a criminal defense digital forensics expert