Fail 2.0: Further Musings on Attacking Social Networks

<p>We've spent a lot of time ranting about and / or embarrassing variousSocial Networks last year already. Still, we wanted to share with theShmoo audience some further silliness, social experiments, and goodold-fashioned Fail 2.0 that's popped up since we last looked at thistopic. We'll also cover some of the new countermeasures andcounter-countermeasures that have showed up on various SocNets in thepast few months.</p><p>In light of some recent mass pwnage occurring over Social Networksthis past year, we explicitly promise NOT to say "we told you so", anddefinitely won't be performing our patented synchronized stage-leftElectric Slide followed by some pop-locking and Nathan's famousGloating Robot.</p><p>A few things we'll be covering this time around: SocNets as AttackPlatform, SocNets-As-Botnets, new developments in SocNet Applications,Alex Sotirov's cell phone number on Twitter, some new impersonationexcercises, bypassing CSRF protections, and thoughts (and potentiallysome tools) for practicing "safe" Social Networking.</p>

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