802.11 ObgYn or "Spread Your Spectrum"

Tired of cracking your neighbour's wep key? Yearning for a new challenge? What if someone could show you how to tune your wifi card to operate on licensed frequencies? Welcome to the seedy underworld of licensed wifi usage. Here you can learn how to tune your wifi cards to pick up on big brother and see what they are really doing with those security cameras. After we enjoy a quick trip to 4.8GHz, we can move right along to learn about US Government type 1 encryption for wifi. If you don't know what type 1 crypto is, come to the talk and learn. If you already know what it is, please don't send me to Gitmo. Last but not least, you can learn how the watchers are watching you. You will learn about Wifi Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems, what they are, how they work, and how to cause utter chaos with them. Remember, it is all fun and games till the microwaves fry your brain.

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